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Frequently Asked Questions

Read through answers we’re often asked regarding what to expect at your spray tan appointment, as well as pre and post tan care.

  1. I know a spray tan can't be as bad as tanning beds, but is it safe?

    The solution has been approved for external use and is completely safe however, you should avoid getting it in your eyes, mouth or nose. Tan will be very carefully and lightly applied to the face. Best to close your eyes and hold your breath while the tan is being sprayed. But don’t fret, your spray tan technician will run through all of this with you at your first appointment.

  2. How long will it last?

    Most spray tans last roughly 7 to 10 days, though certain factors can extend or shorten that period.

  3. Am I protected from the sun?

    No. Spray tan solution doesn't have any kind of sunblock in it. If you are going out, put on sunblock.

  4. Is there anything I should do to prepare for my spray tan appointment?

    Exfoliate and do any hair removal the day before (or at least 8 hours before). This will get rid of any dead skin and provide a more even skin surface for the solution. Also remove any makeup from the face.

  5. Is there anything I shouldn't use on my skin before my appointment?

    Avoid lotions, oils, deodorant and anything that could sink into your skin and make your new tan uneven. Makeup needs to be removed.

  6. What should I wear to my appointment? Wear loose clothing in dark colors, preferably something that you don't care about, since it will get stained (as the tan solution has bronzer in it). The stain may wash out, but it's not guaranteed. Your bra should also be the loose variety (no sports bras), and you may even want to leave it off after your treatment. You’re welcome to wear your own underwear or swimwear during the spray tan but again, staining may occur. Disposable underwear is available for use.

  7. When should I shower afterwards?

    We use a rapid tan solution so, depending on how dark you want your tan to be, the bronzer can be washed off after just 1 hr, however we recommend at least 3 hours to overnight wear for maximum tan adhesion. It's crucial to avoid any swimming or sweating, not to apply any products or moisturise, and not to exfoliate before this first shower. All of these things can make your spray tan uneven or streaky.

  8. Is there anything I shouldn't use on my skin after my treatment?

    Avoid scented lotions, perfumes, astringents, and cleaning solutions with acid or peroxide directly on your skin. Anything harsh or chemical will wear away your tan more quickly.

  9. Is there anything I should use on my skin after my first shower?

    Moisturise, moisturise, moisturise! Natural, fragrance-free lotions are best. This will ensure that your skin remains healthy and hydrated, and that your spray tan lasts longer. Speaking of which . .

  10. What else can I do to make sure my tan lasts as long as possible?

    While your spray tan is new, you'll want to avoid chlorinated water, as this can make the colour fade faster. Tight and abrasive clothing can also start to cause wearing again the skin (bra straps!). In addition, cut the amount of shaving you do down to a minimum, as this works as an exfoliant and will also make your tan fade. Once your tan has started fading naturally, you can resume most of your normal skincare regimen.


At your appointment…

Once you arrive for your spray tan appointment, first time clients will be asked to fill out a quick intake form, letting Micki know of any skin or health conditions she should be aware of.

You will then be shown into the tanning room where Micki will discuss what depth and requirements you want from your spray tan. She will then leave you to undress, remove any jewellery, and place belongings in the basket provided. Disposable hair nets are provided and recommended for use by all clients to protect the hair. Disposable G-strings are also available for clients, unless you’d prefer to stay in your own underwear. You choose how much or little you feel comfortable wearing.

Micki will come back into the room and commence spray tanning once you are ready and standing in the booth. She will direct you from a couple stances for optimal tan coverage. It’s much more relaxed and quicker than it sounds. Plus, Micki’s good for a yarn!

Once your spray tan is complete, Micki will leave you to get redressed and then talk through your after care and provide you with any necessary take home instructions as you pay for your spray tan. We accept eftpos or cash.